Offer Agreement for the Use of Chatbot
Bothub, hereinafter referred to as the "Executor", on the one side, and an individual or legal entity accepting the terms of this Offer Agreement, hereinafter referred to as the "User", on the other side, have entered into this Offer Agreement as follows:
- Subject of the Agreement
- The Executor provides the User with services for the use of the chatbot, located on the website (hereinafter - "Chatbot"), in accordance with the technical specifications described on the said website.
- The User uses the Chatbot for the purpose of obtaining information, answers to questions, consultations, as well as for performing certain actions provided in the Chatbot.
- The User gains access to the use of the Chatbot through connecting to the Internet and visiting the website
- Rights and Obligations of the Parties
- The Executor is obliged to:
- Ensure the availability of the Chatbot to the User 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except for the time of technical work on the server where the Chatbot is located.
- Ensure the correct functioning of the Chatbot in accordance with the technical specifications described on the website
- The User is obliged to:
- Follow the rules for using the Chatbot set by the Executor.
- Not use the Chatbot for purposes contrary to applicable legislations. We also prohibit the generation of such types of content:
- Illegal activities
- Materials of child sexual abuse or any content exploiting or harming children
- Generation of hateful, harassing, or violent content
- Generation of malicious software
- Activities with a high risk of physical harm
- Activities with a high risk of economic harm
- Fraudulent or deceptive actions
- Adult content, adult industry, and dating applications
- Political campaigns or lobbying
- Activities violating people's privacy
- Unauthorized legal practice or providing individual legal consultations without verification by a qualified person
- Providing individual financial consultations without verification by a qualified person
- Diagnosing a specific disease or providing treatment directions
- Making high-risk government decisions
- The User has the right to:
- Receive information, answers to questions, consultations, and perform certain actions provided in the Chatbot.
- Contact the Executor in case of problems when using the Chatbot.
- Cost and Payment Procedure
- The cost for using the Chatbot is indicated on the tariffs page on the website
- Liability of the Parties
- The Executor is not responsible for the incorrect operation of the Chatbot caused by improper use by the User, as well as for possible problems related to the quality of the User's Internet connection.
- The User is responsible for the accuracy and reliability of the information provided during the use of the Chatbot.
- The Chatbot may create any content, including fictional or false.
- The Chatbot uses OpenAI's ChatGPT technology in its operation, where chat data is transmitted through an API. The Chatbot is not responsible to the user for the use of these data by OpenAI.
- Term of the Agreement
- This Offer Agreement comes into effect at the moment of starting to use the Chatbot.
- Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights
- All copyright and other intellectual property rights in and to the content that is generated by the User through the use of the Chatbot ("User-Generated Content") are owned by the User who generated such content.
- User acknowledges and agrees that they are solely responsible for all User-Generated Content that they make available through the Chatbot.
- User hereby grants to the Executor a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license to use the User-Generated Content as necessary for the provision of the Chatbot services to the User, including but not limited to storing, copying, transmitting, displaying, and analyzing the User-Generated Content.
- User represents and warrants that: (i) they own the User-Generated Content posted by them on or through the Chatbot or otherwise have the right to grant the rights and licenses set forth in this Agreement; (ii) the posting and use of User-Generated Content on or through the Chatbot does not violate, misappropriate.
- Other Conditions
- All disputes and disagreements arising in connection with the execution of this Agreement are resolved through negotiations between the Parties.
- This Agreement is made in two copies, each having equal legal force, one for each of the Parties.
- The Executor has the right to unilaterally change the terms of this Agreement. Changes come into force from the moment they are published on the website